100+ customers use Catalyst

Do you want to join them?

As a logistics company, we have a very complex system where no faults are allowed. With Catalyst, we can rest easy, knowing 99% of all errors are automatically solved and those who need manual handling are quickly solved via Human-in-the-loop. We could not be happier!

DFDS logo

Catalyst is today a central solution in our automation infrastructure, serving as a bridge between our RPA and BPM. We take advantage the SmartRPA Catalyst platform including security, orchestration and management. In short, we let SmartRPA Catalyst automate our RPA automation.

jyske bank logo

Before, we were stuck in a maintenance loop, but now we are all eyes on development potentials. No tedious maintenance or error searching. It’s a game changer! I cannot recommend it enough. We would never be able to deliver the results we do without Catalyst.​

coop logo

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Catalyst HQ

SmartRPA ApS
Lottenborgvej 26
2800 Kgs. Lyngby

+45 42 86 10 00

Catalyst Sweden

Vasagatan 7
111 20 Stockholm

+46 70 983 95 01

Catalyst Italy

Via Roberto Lepetit
8/10 Zona
20124 Milano

Catalyst Netherlands

Atrium Building 4th floor
Strawinskylaan 3051
1077 ZX Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Catalyst is an agnostic tool that analyzes and rectifies inefficiencies. Catalyst identifies optimization potentials and ensures automations run smoothly across all technologies.

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                        For Version 9.2 of Catalyst

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                          Sign up for the Catalyst Optimize Course

                            For Version 9.1 of Catalyst

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                            Sign up for the Catalyst Monitor & Orchestrate Course

                              For Version 9.1 of Catalyst

                              You will receive an email with a link to sign up and pay for the course.

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